Edited 2 July 2015, Written 19 June 2014
So without any further ado, it is now time to go back to the beginning, in fact the beginning before the beginning…
The beginning of the first cycle of this story, the cycle of the story of the journey into soul, the adventure story of travels and discoveries, is coming, coming soon… But first it seems seemly to begin, just a little before that, with a prelude to the story of the journey... It seems that this is the time, and the place, that this story really commences.
I was living, at this time, in a place, a place I loved very much for many reasons. In fact I loved it so much that I wrote a 2000 word group email to everyone I know and care about, all about how much I loved my life, the place I lived, how my life was going, what was happening, and lots of different things.
But little did I know, when I wrote this missive (which may reappear in this story perhaps along the way, even maybe shortly), that everything was about to change…
So at some point, in fact around this time, it came to my attention, via facebook (well of course) that there is this idea that can be called an assemblage point. This is a point around which is centred your energy, the centre, the soul of your being. And sometimes this point shifts.
This can have repercussions that reverberate through every aspect of your life. And sometimes it is not easy to release, to let go, and to allow what needs to happen to happen. But it cannot be resisted. What needs to happen needs to happen. Resistance is futile and in fact will only hold back growth… And the benefits of letting go, of going with it, are well worth it, I can tell you, even if it doesn't come easy at the time… Resistance will lead only to trouble, this I can also attest...
Oh. So. Excuse me while I have a moment of goosebumps, shivers and oh my god and goddess. Because having bookmarked this point in this writing written previously, with only a note to revisit this assemblage point concept that I came across all that time ago, which I had saved as a note on my computer at the time it first entered my life, I have just now opened that note to discover a momentousness of synchronicities. It turns out the author of this note about assemblage points was to enter the story in person, about 6 months into my journey, about 8 months after coming across this post, at a moment so crucial to everything that it's not funny. Wow. How about that.
And in completing my previous piece of writing, I scrounged out an envelope scrap on which I'd written about a moment of enjoying living a story, and just now a line I had noted on the other side which hadn't yet found its place popped into my attention, and indeed, this is the moment for it. "Twists, loops and threads, cross threads and webs to surprise me. Don't forget to extrapolate." (This last part still confuses me, but surely the meaning of this will become clear, so I will include it. There is a following word or two unintelligible in my scrawl and inaccessible right now in my memory, but I feel to just write what I wrote, to be returned to later, perhaps.)
And, so, on that note, here is that momentous text, that I first came across all those many months, and now getting close to almost multiple years ago, back in March 2013. All I can say is gosh. A really big gosh.
From the most amazing, wise and beautiful
Your assemblage point is your personal collection of the patterns that run your life. It has a position in your energetic field much like a point on a clock face. The position determines how your life manifests and unfolds.
When a person really needs to change the position of their own assemblage point, sometimes they will create an event such as an accident or a fall to knock the point into a new position. Sometimes there is a world event like a major earthquake that knocks the assemblage point of the planet into a new position. A shift in the assemblage point always creates a time of feeling somewhat out of balance before the new position is anchored.
There are many that are shifting or have shifted the position of their assemblage points to accommodate a new energy on the planet. This causes a time of transition that is unfamiliar as to what the new point is creating, and the instinctive center needs time to adjust. So be OK with feeling out of sorts and a bit ungrounded during this time. Some of you may have had a head start with being proactive with this transition and may actually be on the other end and ready to get on with a new sense of creativity and purpose. If you are one of these, be patient with the others that are still catching up.
So how can you use this instinctive time of transition and re evaluation positively?
Slow down. Take a day where you do nothing with the intention to hold an empty space for inner change allowing a new position for your assemblage point. Note any addiction you have to a full calendar or to do list. Do something in the first couple of weeks that expands you spiritually. Be around something that inspires you every day. Eliminate unimportant activities. Spend time going through accumulated possessions and get rid of anything that feels extra and not useful. Clean junk drawers. Do your laundry. Take care of simple physical needs. Use forgiveness daily as a powerful tool to keep things moving in the right direction.
If you allow this time of instinctive re evaluation, you will create space for the higher emotional center to guide you more powerfully in whatever transition you have set up for yourself. It is also important to honor the new by starting something new or doing something new even if it is a small thing.
The challenge to this time is that you could resist it and fall into a despairing sense of depression, scattered, unfocused, unmotivated, apathetic, and feeling really bad about yourself. Watch for self-deprecation, the obstacle of the year, as you may question your own value.
© thepowerpath.com
In love with love
Tara Isis Gerris is the founder of the Wild Woman Sisterhood. See https://www.facebook.com/WildWomanSisterhood or http://www.wildwomansisterhood.com